Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Read Chimamanda Adichie's Americanah on your mobile device

So two months we asked the simple question “Would Nigerians Read Books on Mobile Phones?” and the answer was a debatable yes, see HERE

Based on this @farafinabooks has made available part of Chimamanda Adichie’s Americanah on Nigerian mobile phones for free! Basically if you have an android device you can download the first couple of chapters of the book at
Now if enough people download the free version of the book, @farafinabooks says they will make available the full book. 

The question is can we get 1000+ downloads of Americanah before next week? If yes, then we potentially can get farafina and other Nigeria publishers to make more books like Ameriancah available for Nigerians on mobile devices. Want to read another book? Then tell us what you would you like to read below. Stay awesome...keep reading. Okadariders Association President.

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