Wednesday, August 28, 2013

British Council is Mapping Nigeria’s Creative Economy

What will this mapping do for you?

It will provide data that will:
·         Help you secure Nigerian and foreign investment as well as funding for your creative business
·         Make it easier for you to access intervention and funding from government
·         Put you on the Nigerian creative industries map which will be available online and accessible worldwide 

How will the mapping do this? Continue to find out...
How will the mapping do this?

The mapping will measure
·         contribution of the sector to national GDP, export revenue and job creation
·         the capacity of the sector to boost Nigeria’s international image
·         challenges of sector businesses and opportunities for growth

What do you need to do?
Provide information on your creative business through the survey and win a prize for your participation.
Note! All respondents will be entered into a draw to win exciting prizes. To be entered you need to complete the survey. We appreciate the time taken to complete this as we work towards the common good of the creative sector in Nigeria.

To fill the survey, please follow the link below according to the sector that majority of your creative work occurs in:
For more information about the British Council Creative Industries Mapping project go hereand here

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